MST Family Dentistry and Cosmetic Center

Located in Trussville, AL
To schedule your next cleaning visit, please click here or call us at 205-769-6238!

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MST Dental offers several specialty services in the dental field including root canal therapy. Dr. Tracey Thomson & Dr. Alan McAndrews provide endodontic care using Digital Radiography and specialized, silent rotary instruments to make your experience short and pleasant. So in the event that you need a root canal, you’ll be in excellent hands without having to go to another office.

A root canal is the process of taking the pulpal tissue (nerve and blood vessels) out of the tooth and filling the void with appropriate dental material.  This procedure is required to relieve pain from an abscessed tooth or extensive decay.

Patients experiencing pain from hot / cold liquids or from biting pressure may require a root canal.